1. Nina Jensen 11.07.2021 at 13:10

    Recently a long term friend assessed my openness in feeling sadness, sorrow and despair, over past and recent traumatic events, as indulgent and self pitying.
    I have never asked the question “ Why me “,
    nor believed that all, of my experiences were “ unfair “. I looked up a standard definition of Self Pity, and the 2 examples above, were a characteristic of Self Pity. My friend went on to say, she had no time for self pity. Nor drama. This confused me. And I took a break from my contact with her. To ask myself more deeply, how I had been both. It occurred to me, that either she has values that don’t allow for my emotional expressions. Or that it could be Cultural. I grew up in Denmark Copenhagen. We relate on a level that is more open. My Temperament also is one of Emotional internal introspection, and emotional honesty. I need to learn, how to fit in with other women. And what true friendship is.(??)
    I read the preface to this Page. Do you have any suggestions, on what I could read to understand where I am going wrong?

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