There are two important aspects to working with you. The first is psychotherapeutic theory, and the second is what the evidence says works.


Psychotherapeutic theory

There are four main branches to the theoretical approach that I have been trained in and practice. These are;

  • Self Psychology
  • Attachment Theory and Psychodynamics
  • Intersubjectivity
  • Couples counselling and sexuality

I’ll briefly cover all four, but then I have some important information about evidence.


Self Psychology

This form of psychology is a later offshoot of Freudian thought. A central part of this theory is the importance of a person’s sense of self. This sense of self is usually formed through interactions with caring others such as parents and grand-parents. When this goes well, these interactions help form the self and people develop into well-rounded adults

However, sometimes these interactions are not all they might be and their developmental needs are not well met. This can slow down or stall our development, causing difficulties in later life; this is surprisingly common. Self Psychology recognises this and helps the person restart their developmental process. In a self psychological approach we take the time to explore your world and experiences from your point of view and to help you to become more robust, secure and functional.

To the person experiencing this treatment, the counselling can seem a bit like everyday conversations. However, it’s a subtle but powerful approach.


Attachment Theory and Psychodynamics

This theory has two main aspects. Firstly, we are made up of different thoughts and motivations. Some of these motivations are conscious and some are unconscious. Secondly, the events and experiences of our childhood have influenced as adults, particularly the quality of our relationships with our caregivers. These early relationships form templates of how we relate to others in our adulthood. Taken together, this means that exploring your past helps you understand and unravel what’s happening in the present.



This breakthrough theory champions your subjectivity, or way of looking at the world. The goal of this treatment is the non-judgemental exploration of your world, and the eventual transformation of it into something more useful.

An important part of it is an understanding that the work that is done between you and I is unique to the two of us. It is also important to note that I don't want to impose a solution on you either; it is only through taking the time to understand you that we will we work out how I will be able to help you best.


Couples counselling and sexuality

There is some really excellent work being done in these fields right now. I am especially influenced by the works of Sue Johnson, Esther Perel, Joe Kort, and David Ley amongst others. Their thinking has the potential to profoundly change the quality of our relationships. Here's some more information about effective couples counselling.