Comments (2)

  1. Debbie Smith 24.07.2018 at 10:18

    Being honest is painful, and sometimes saying too much can even be worse. When asking someone there opinion must be framed right. And don’t uncover too much all at once if the PAIN is too much. A little bit at a time is better. Or asking and outsider non relative, not a friend, or family member or a significant other may be helpful.

  2. Tim Hill 25.07.2018 at 17:47

    Doing your best to be honest and dealing with the consequences of this can certainly be difficult, for both parties involved. In some ways, lying can seem easier for both people especially if the consequences seem too much – this is the strongest appeals of dishonesty. I agree with what you are saying – sometimes we need to take the honesty step by step, so it becomes manageable for all involved.

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