Comments (2)

  1. Allison Weinmann 29.08.2018 at 23:24

    This article has been very helpful because it is so true! All loss can leave us feeling alone and lonely – probably because a big part of us was taken away and has left us a little empty inside. When that happens, we do most certainly feel a sense of unimportance and are not likely to feel confident to share our feelings or thoughts. And isolation or avoidance just makes us even more alone. And on and on. Thank you for this reassuring talk about not feeling our losses are legitimate. Thank you.

  2. Tim Hill 30.08.2018 at 16:37

    Hi Allison, I’m glad that you found what I wrote helpful. It can certainly be even more isolating when, on top of feeling a loss, we have to fight for the right to feel the loss in the face of the disbelief and skepticism of others. Loss is something we feel in many situations, sometimes even surprising to us, and it is a much broader condition than the narrow, sanctioned losses that we are ‘supposed’ to have.

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